a little more about me...

Hello there! My name is Kayla. I reside in Tulsa with my hubby and two fur babies (doggo & cat), though I originally grew up in New Mexico. I am an adventurer and artist; a dreamer with my head stuck in the clouds. I crave far off places, new cultural experiences, and meeting beautiful people. 

I found a lot of freedom when I realized a was a modern day Renaissance woman. But it took me a while to get there. It all started with a simple prayer:

"God, help."

It was the middle of the pandemic and I had to be on a plane (long story don't ask). It was nearly empty, save a couple of other people on board. I remember exactly where I was sitting when I received a divine download - a flexible framework that helped me thrive as a multi-disciplinary creative.

My life has been a series of backfired startups, failed launches, 17,000 creative projects, and the insatiable desire to always go on another sidequest. 

Just so you know, I've failed a lot. Like...a LOT, a lot. There's no need to bring shame here because you're not the only one who told everyone you were going to change the world, only to find out you couldn't even change your own circumstances.

But with every experiment I've gained more confidence, experience, and a greater ability to pivot (or quit something) with artistic flare. 

All in all, I love my life. I'm 34, and just now (slowly) coming into my own as a creative. It took me a while, but now that I'm here, I'm learning to be confident and have faith in the gifts God has placed in my hands to steward well. 

Once I figured out a few things, I knew it was time to help others. If you are here and resonate with anything I'm saying - then welcome. It's my sincerest hope and prayer that you don't end up in the vortex of self-doubt and crippling depression that I did as a result of believing my multi-passionate gifting was actually my downfall. 

Welcome, fellow adventurer and friend. So glad you're here. 

things I'm all about

Weight Lifting & Strength Training
howl's moving castle
Video Games (Skyrim is a fav)
Salty Snacks
Writing & Composing Music
Sci-Fi Podcasts
reading books
endless tbr's
Fur Baby Snuggles
Authentic Mexican Food
Learning New Languages 
Thrift Shopping 
Travel & New Cultural Experiences

Floral Patterns
Deep Conversations
Going to Bed Early
lavender + honey ice cream
A/C in the summer
Dark Beers & Sweet Wines
Stamps in my Passport
Tea (No Coffee....bleh)
Overalls, Jumpsuits, and Rompers
Seeing Others Succeed
My Family
Being Barefoot
Fall & Cooler Weather

travel wishlist

Faroe Islands
Isle of Man
New Zealand
Petra, Jordan
Katmandu & Mt. Everest
All U.S. National Parks (one trip)

projects i'm currently working on

self-publishing fantasy duology (jan 2025, hopefully)
working (very slowly) on an ep
building a body of work + resources for creatives like me
youtube channel
sidequest of the week podcast
setting goals for brand sponsorships
creating a manga inspired strategy guide for multipassionates
learning to draw in the style of anime + digitally
generally trying to stay alive

...all while working full-time!

I believe in creating from a place of vulnerability and openness. I will trust the process and see it through to the end. I will not be afraid of the unknown, for it is simply an opportunity for new discovery. I will admit my mistakes, be quick to ask for forgiveness, but will not accept defeat. I will choose to think the best about people instead of assuming the worst. I will always continue to improve upon my work. I will be hungry for knowledge and will not fear wisdom or critique.  I will aim to be honest with myself and will not trade truthfulness for public affirmation.  I will stand firm in my convictions but will not belittle or tromp on people in that stand. I will create with authenticity as my foundation, redemption as my motivator, and connection as my goal. This is my manifesto. 

my creative manifesto