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Making My Space Meaningful
January 10, 2016
Kayla Sluka
The Beginning
Starting a blog is all the rage these days. People have made significant career paths through blogging. The creative endeavors of these unconventional entrepreneurs is quite impressive. No subject matter is overlooked; anyone with an internet connection can Google a blog in any particular topic. Personally, I can name three or four blogs of mine that were never finished. Blogging gave us the ability journal in an artistically and visually satisfying way. What could be better than an online journal where the entire world wide web can chime in anonymously? Not all blogs take a journalistic approach. Blogs can range from DIY projects, to faith, to business, to science. There are blogs about how to keep a blog. The possibilities are endless.
Approximately four months ago, the idea of starting up a blog began rolling around in my head. After doing plenty of research online, I felt overwhelmed and uncertain if I wanted to jump into the blogging world anymore. Despite not knowing everything that I wanted to accomplish, I decided to begin crafting a blog. Our life has been crazy the last four months, which gave me ample time in creating it designing this blog. It took me those four months to decide why I even wanted to start a blog besides that slight nagging feeling in my gut and wanting to be like all of the cool kids. Here it is: I want to make my space meaningful. (Sorry for the pun)
Everybody Is Here
We all take up space. Unless you find yourself living off the grid entirely, we all interact every day with social media. If you do not, then you will not be reading this and therefore will not pertain to you. Facebook currently has 1.19 billion users, 874 million of which are mobile users, and 728 million of which are using FB daily. Instagram has 300 million active users. Twitter comes in with a close 232 million active users. As I type this, I am sure the numbers have already risen. We are a society, and in general, world that has become interconnected socially through the advent of the internet. I can remember signing up for Facebook the summer before my Freshman year in college in order to stay in touch with the friends I had made on the short term missions trip that summer. It was such an amazing tool to keep in touch, even if it be from the sidelines, with people I had a growing connection with. Social media is an extraordinary thing.
If you have been a part of the social media revolution within any stretch of time, you have probably also noticed an increase in unhealthy attachments and interactions to it. While we are able to stay in touch with people all over the globe, it also gives us a reason to disconnect with the people in the same room as us. While we are able to keep up on current events happening in our world right now, it also gives us a reason to speak ignorantly where we are not personally invested. There is an intense dichotomy between the positives and negatives wrought through the world of social media. More often than not, my personal engagement with social media leaves me discontent as I scroll through political wars with no action toward a solution. I pass through unkind comments on misunderstood statuses. I thumb over hundreds within minutes leaving very little room for contemplation and appreciation. Even as I try and craft meaningful content, I find myself dazed by beginning and ending my day with a screen.
We all take up space on the internet. It is inevitable and many times chosen out of obligation. As I began this blogging journey, I asked myself this question: “What if I could make my space meaningful and focused?” Out of that question was birthed what we have here today. My husband and I were saddened by some of the content we were reading online. We were taking up some tiny little iota of space on the internet. What if we make our tiny little corner cozy and hospitable and raw and encouraging? So we did, or at lease, we are trying.
Putting A Name To It All
After thinking about different names, we landed on Treasured Roots. For us, it is a symbol of steadfastness and consistency. It is a symbol of stewardship, care, and love. It symbolizes getting your hands in the dirt to plant, dedicating oneself to watering daily, and pulling the weeds to keep something healthy. It is depth and value. The life of a tree can be found in the health of its roots. Many parallels can be drawn between the imagery of a tree and the facets of life. In the end, here we are, planting ourselves firmly into this ground in hopes to make this space of ours beautiful.
There are “rules” to blogging with ideas about how and what you should write and/or create. My goal is to be as much of myself as I can be. This is not a career for me, but rather, a way to give back intrinsic value to my corner of cyberspace. It was not until I saw a post on “Slow Blogging” that I had the words to describe my purpose here. In its most basic form, it is presenting quality over quantity. In this post I was challenged to write what I will be sharing as my Creative Manifesto. If you know me at all, you know I love many art forms. My first and greatest love is music, but right after that you can find painting, drawing, photography, writing, storytelling, and so much more. These are the values I desire to take with me as I create.
Creative Manifesto
- Vulnerability: art that is empathetic. I will strive to be genuine, recognizing that I have and am able to be wounded. But it is a gift for someone.
- Intentionality: art with purpose and focus. I will strive to create with thoughtfulness and prepare with excellence to the best of my ability.
- Courageous: art not deterred by danger or pain. I will strive to create in a way that is not afraid of failure.
- Challenging: art that challenges the artist who created it, along with the status quo. I will strive to work harder to improve for the sake of others.
- Uplifting: art that fortifies others. I will strive to create in a way that builds up, listens, encourages, and communicates that everyone is significant.
-My intentions with this blog: creative outlet and positive output
-Who do I want to reach: people who seek meaning in artistic pursual; people who seek purposeful and intentional living.
-Long Term Goals: Positive Change and Impact.
Much of what I hope to write will be longer and deeper in nature. Hopefully you can find a place here and be encouraged. We will be here, planting our roots deep and watering in order that you might be shaded in grace and truth. My deepest desire is that you find rest and encouragement for your soul, even if it be for a moment. Let’s face it, you are a pretty amazing human being.